OSOT Membership and Insurance Renewal

(and New Graduate Insurance Registration)

Fees Due October 1, 2024

Note: This renewal process will not work properly with Internet Explorer.
Please use any other type of browser.


TO LOGIN: Proceed to the link below to start the renewal process rather than logging in at the top of this page. You will be prompted to provide your login credentials on the following page.

NOTE: You are able to view, download, save or print your payment receipt as well as your insurance certificate if you have coverage through OSOT. These documents will be found in "Your Profile" once you have completed the renewal process.

 On-line Renewal Tips

  1. Have your COTO registration number available if you are renewing in a practising membership category. If you are in the process of registering with COTO or are a new graduate without a registration number, please list “pending” where asked within these renewal forms. Non-Practising and Associate members will not require a COTO registration number to renew.

  2. Follow the online instructions when updating each field and click “Next Page” once each page is completed.

  3. To move back to a previous page, click one of the “Previous Steps” located at the top right side of the page. Towards the end of the renewal process you will be given the opportunity to make any changes to your membership category and insurance needs. You can add insurance coverage easily, even if you have never been a subscriber.

  4. Once you complete your renewal, you will receive a confirmation email and you can obtain your payment receipt and professional liability insurance certificate from within your online profile under the "Receipts" and "Certificates" tabs.

Start Your Membership Renewal / Insurance Registration

If you should experience any difficulty while completing your online membership renewal or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office at 416-322-3011 or 1-877-676-6768 Monday-Friday - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm You can also e-mail Members Services at memberservices@osot.on.ca or our general address at osot@osot.on.ca.