OSOT Advocacy Meetings

OSOT’s Advocacy Agenda is overseen by the Board of Directors and more specifically by the Strategic Advocacy Committee. OSOT staff, board directors, OSOT Team members and Representatives participate in advocacy meetings ensuring that informed occupational therapists are educating and promoting OT to key stakeholders, policy makers and decision-makers.

The Society is actively working to keep policy makers apprised of issues concerning occupational therapists and opportunities where OTs can contribute meaningfully to meeting the health care needs of Ontarians and the goals and visions of the health care system.

OSOT Advocacy Meetings 2024

October 2024

Sunlife Financial
Reps: Assistant Vice President and Manager
, Health & Dental, Group Benefits Operations
To connect with insurance companies to discuss rejection of claims for psychotherapy and mental health services provided by occupational therapists. Sunlife will investigate further and follow up with OSOT.
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director, Anna Zaffina, Adult Mental Health and OSOT's Extended Benefits Subcommittee Team Member, Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator 

July 2024

July 25, 2024 
Edge Factor
Reps: Larissa Hoffman
, Vice President
To gain insights into promoting the profession of occupational therapy through the Edge Factor educational platform made for grade school students.
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

July 23, 2024 
Family Councils Ontario
Reps: Cathleen Edwards
, Education Manager, Taeyeoung Jung, Bilingual Event & Project Manager
An introductory meeting to discuss future opportunities for education on occupational therapy for families connected to long-term care facilities in Ontario.
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

July 22, 2024 
Ministry of Health
Reps: David Lamb
, Director, Capacity and Health Workforce Planning Branch
to discuss professional development and educational opportunities for occupational therapy professionals. OSOT continues its involvement with the Ontario ministries that align with our advocacy initiatives. Read our submission to the ministry here.  
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

July 10, 2024 
Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRI) in Long-Term Care
Reps: Esther Russell
, Project Manager
To connect with CLRI's project lead on promoting careers in long-term care.
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

June 2024

June 25, 2024 
Ontario Association of Residents' Councils
Reps: Melissa Matheson
, Education and Home Support Manager
To connect with the provincial association that supports where residents' councils connect and inquire about educational opportunities for residents and families regarding occupational therapy  
OSOT Reps:
Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator 

March 2024

May 24, 2024 
Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI), Baycrest RIA
Reps: Stacey Guy, Manager, Knowledge Mobilization
Purpose:  To engage with key parties associated with long-term care in Ontario
OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator 

January 2024

January 22, 2024
Home Care Ontario
Reps: Sue VanderBent
, Chief Executive Officer 
To engage with the association to foster collaboration and partnerships and to discuss overlap in advocacy
OSOT Reps:
Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director 

January 18, 2024

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Social Assistance Program Policy Branch 
  • Laura Belfie, Director
  • First Nation and Employment Readiness Unit
    • Cam MacMillan, Manager (Acting)
    • Erin Jones, Senior Policy Advisor
  • Health, Appeals and Disability Unit
    • Sonia Munoz, Manager
    • Cynthia Krysmanski, Senior Policy Advisor
    • Jeff Longland, Team Lead
    • Milad Haddad, Senior Policy Advisor (Acting)
    Purpose: To further discuss increasing access for OTs to authorize two government forms: 1) Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Mandatory Special Necessities (MSN) form, and 2) Ontario Works Limits to Participation form. The ministry was seeking input into proposed changes to expand the professions that can sign these forms along with a potential pilot of new forms. OSOT will notify members as we move forward with possible next steps.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

    January 10, 2024
    Cathy Hecimovich, Chief Executive Officer, and Lise Jolicoeur, Vice President, Public & Corporate Affairs of the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA)
    Purpose: To discuss areas of collaboration with ORCA that involve raising awareness of occupational therapy services and overall wellness within retirement communities.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Governance and Policy Coordinator

    OSOT Advocacy Meetings 2023

    December 2023

    December 5, 2023
    Rebecca Guida, Director of Stakeholder & MPP Relations, Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To discuss increased utilization and funding for occupational therapy in long-term care. OSOT highlighted the recommendations from our 2015 report seeking 21 hours of direct occupational therapy services per week for a 180-bed home plus the benefits of models of care involving OTAs. The benefits and full scope of occupational therapy were reviewed and a summary of the value we bring to support the health human resource shortage and client/residents' quality of life were discussed. The ideas discussed will be forwarded to the Minister for next steps.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    November 2023

    November 10, 2023
    Mathew Varsava, Director of Policy, Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility
    Purpose: OSOT had an introductory meeting to identify alignment of the ministries' priorities and how OSOT can contribute to them. The Ministry has encouraged OSOT to provide feedback on the Ontario Seniors Care at Home Tax Credit. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    November 8, 2023
    Lucy Becker, VP Public Affairs and Policy, and Phil Norris, Manager of Communications, Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA), and Nira Rittenberg, OT Reg. (Ont.)
    Purpose: To reconnect and discuss OSOT and RHRA collaboration for education, building capacity for OT student placements in retirement homes, and benefits of occupational therapy within the retirement home sector.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    November 8, 2023
    Dr. Scott Elliot, Forms Committee Chair, and Marina Frykowski, Executive Assistant, Economics, Research & Analytics, Ontario Medical Association
    Purpose: To discuss the challenges faced by occupational therapists in relation to the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Mandatory Special Necessities (MSN) form. The primary concerns include: equity and access to the MSN form, reducing delays and obstacles to completing the form, and the requirement for a physician or nurse to sign for equipment which falls within the OT's scope of practice. The OMA will escalate our inquiry to the Ministry of Health.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    October 2023

    October 31, 2023
    Representatives from Sunlife Financial
    Purpose: To discuss expanding access to coverage for psychotherapy performed by an occupational therapist.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director

    October 24, 2023

    Jas Grewal, RN, Vice President of Resident Care and Services, and Barbara Murphy, Director of Quality System Effectiveness from AgeCare Ontario 
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy services regarding AgeCare’s recent purchase of 16 Ontario Long Term Care homes with over 2,400 beds. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    September 2023

    September 28, 2023
    Amy Olmstead, Executive Lead, Ontario Health Teams, Ministry of Health 
    Purpose: Alongside OSOT, the leads from Ontario Physiotherapy Association, Ontario Association of Social Workers, and the Speech-Language and Audiologists Canada – Ontario branch, met with Amy Olmstead and three of her staff to discuss specific issues related to home care modernization.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director

    August 2023

    August 17, 2023
    Nabiha Paracha, Policy Advisor, Ministry of Health 
    Purpose: OSOT and the Ministry met to discuss occupational therapy services in relation to the human health resource crisis and primary care.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    August 2, 2023
    Jennifer Morris, Assistant Deputy Minister, Sarah Hardy, Director, Autism Branch, and Ziyaad Vahed, Director of Child Development and Specialized Services Branch, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    Purpose: OSOT and the Ministry met to discuss occupational therapy services in relation to the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), Childrens’ Rehabilitation Services (provided through the Childrens’ Treatment Centers), and future collaboration with the Ministry. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    June 2023

    June 16, 2023
    Christine Loureiro, Director of Service System Planning and Operational Issues Branch, Amanda Baine Acting Director of Long-Term Care Strategic Initiatives Branch, Lauren Egar, Manager of Staffing Unit, Strategic Initiatives Branch, and Anne Marie Cargnelli Acting Manager of System Planning, Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: OSOT and the Ministry met to discuss an upcoming opportunity for collaboration with regard to occupational therapy services in long-term care homes. 
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair, OSOT’s Long-Term Care Homes Sector Team, Debbie Branch, OSOT’s Long-Term Care Homes Sector Team, Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor.

    June 8, 2023
    Minister Michael Parsa, Mark DeMontis, Director of Stakeholder Relations, Raymond Dell'Aera, Policy Advisor, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    Purpose: OSOT and the Ministry met in person to discuss occupational therapy in relation to Children Rehab Services, the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), and other ministerial priority populations using a trauma-informed lens.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    June 7, 2023
    Chris Pugh, Manager, Policy and Quality, Ontario Long Term Care Association
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy services in Ontario's long-term care homes and opportunities for collaboration.
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair, Long-Term Care Homes Sector Team, Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    April 2023

    April 3, 2023
    Mark DeMontis, Director of Stakeholder Relations and Nicco Cardarelli, Manager of Stakeholders, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    Purpose: To discuss using the full scope of occupational therapy and including occupational therapists to sign the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Mandatory Special Necessities (MSN) form. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    March 2023

    March 14, 2023
    Morgan Mattern, Stakeholder Relations Advisor, Ministry of Education
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy and the integrated tiered model approach for Ontario’s schools.
    OSOT Reps: Stephanie Ellis, School-Based OT Team Member; Sandra Sahagian Whalen, School-Based OT Team Member; Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    March 10, 2023
    Lucy Becker, VP Public Affairs and Policy, Farrah Bourre, Senior Manager, Stakeholder Relations & Research, and Carita Edwards, Senior Manager, Government Relations, Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority
    Purpose: An introductory meeting to discuss occupational therapy and health care professions relevant to retirement homes in Ontario.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director, and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    February 2023

    February 14, 2023
    Kristy Corrente, Manager, Advocacy and Stakeholder Relations-East, Canadian Association of Physician Assistants
    Purpose: An introductory meeting to discuss the regulation of physician assistants in Ontario, and government relations.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director, and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    February 7, 2023

    France Gélinas, MPP for Nickel Belt, Health Critic, Vice-Chair and Member of Standing Committee on Social Policy and Member, Standing Committee on Public Accounts
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy, allied health professionals and Ontario’s health care system.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director, and Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    February 1, 2023

    Fil Lettieri, Superintendent of Education, and Jared Lambert, Mental Health Leader, Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board

    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy and the tiered approach toward mental health.
    OSOT Reps: Amy Quilty, School-Based OT Team Chair; Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    January 2023

    January 31, 2023
    Suzanne Dennison, Chief of Staff, and Arielle Kotacka, Stakeholder Relations and Policy Advisor, Associate Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy in relation to the human health resource crisis and the Ministry’s priorities. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    January 27, 2023

    Andrea McAuley, Superintendent of Equitable Education, and Steffanie Pelleboer, Mental Health Leader, Durham District School Board
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy scope of practice and the application of the tiered approach service delivery model with mental health.
    OSOT Reps:Janet Carioni, School-Based OT Team Member; Sandra Sahagian Whalen, School-Based OT Team Member; Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    January 10, 2023
    Lucy Papaloni, Superintendent of Special Education and Learning Services, and Christiane Kyte, General Manager of Clinical Services and Special Education, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy scope of practice and the application of the tiered approach service delivery model with mental health.
    OSOT Reps: Janet Carioni, School-Based OT Team Member; Erin Knobl, School-Based OT Team Member, Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    OSOT Advocacy Meetings 2022

    December 2022

    December 22, 2022
    Denise Plante-Dupuis, Mental Health Leader, District School Board Ontario North East
    To discuss occupational therapy and the tiered approach toward mental health.
    OSOT Reps: Amy Quilty, School-Based OT Team Chair; Janet Carioni School-Based OT Team Member, Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    November 2022

    November 10, 2022
    Minister Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care, Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy and emphasize the need for OTs to use their full scope of practice in long-term care.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    November 10, 2022
    Alex Millier, Director of Stakeholders & Member Relations, Ministry of Health
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy and emphasize the need for OTs to use their full scope of practice in primary care. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    October 2022

    October 12, 2022
    Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    Purpose: To discuss occupational therapy and emphasize the need for access in our communities.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Shadia Balram, Government Relations and Policy Advisor

    February 2022

    February 14, 2022
    Allison Henry, Director of the Health Workforce Regulatory Oversight, Ministry of Health
    Purpose: To receive information on the proposed amendments to the Regulated Health Professions Act related to regulatory modernization. Professional health associations were asked for feedback relating to the proposed changes. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Seema Sindwani, Manager, Professional Practice.

    February 4, 2022
    Ministries of Health, Education, and Children, Community and Social Services Roundtable Consultation on the Draft PPM 81 revisions
    Purpose: To identify issues and concerns with the proposed changes to the PPM 81 revisions. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Sandra Sahagian Whalen, Occupational Therapist.

    February 3, 2022
    Erin Hannah, ADM Long-Term Care Policy & Pandemic Response Division, Dawn Mallet and Melissa Mobilio, Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To identify issues in long-term care related to occupational therapists access to clients during COVID-19 outbreaks and to ensure visitor restrictions in homes do not apply to health providers
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Ron Gersh, CCS Group; Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT Long-Term Care Home Team; Milinda Alexander, OSOT President.

    February 3, 2022
    Kyle MacCallum, Superintendent, Community Paramedicine, Toronto Paramedic Services and Jennifer Shield, Acting Deputy Chief, Program Development & Service Quality, Toronto Paramedic Services
    Purpose: To follow-up on discussions to explore ways in which OTs could support Toronto community paramedicine programs relating to falls, community long-term care and first responder mental health. To offer support to their recruitment of occupational therapists to their team.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Ron Gersh, CCS Group; Alexandria Giles and Amanda Wong, Occupational Therapists with Niagara Falls Intervention Team; Milinda Alexander, OSOT President.

    January 2022

    January 25, 2022
    Amy Olmstead, Acting Executive Lead, Ontario Health Teams Division

    Purpose: The Ministry has entered their second phase of Home and Community Care modernization which is intended to "improve accountability in delivery" of services. The Ministry is seeking input and OSOT will prepare a written submission.
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Milinda Alexander, OSOT President. 

    January 11, 2022
    Jennifer Ho, Director, Home Care, Ontario Health, Health System Performance and Support
    Purpose: To review her role and responsibilities and current issues/opportunities. To invite Jennifer to attend the Home and Community Sector Team meeting.
    OSOT Rep: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director.

    OSOT Advocacy Meetings 2021

    December 2021

    December 8, 2021
    David Lamb, Director, Capacity and Health Workforce Planning Branch
    Purpose: To identify concerns with health human resource capacity issues across the continuum of healthcare. 
    OSOT Reps: Marnie Lofsky, Executive Director; Christie Brenchley.

    October 2021

    October 28, 2021
    Ann Schrager, Director Home and Community Care and Amy Olmstead, Executive Lead, Ontario Health Teams
    Purpose:  To identify concerns and the crisis proportions of OT human resource capacity issues in the home and community care sector and to propose development of OT Capacity Building strategy to address recruitment/retention issues, including compensation, working conditions, precarious employment, etc.
    OSOT Reps:  Shannon Armbrust, Co-Chair HCC Team, Hilleree Valade, Co-Chair HCC Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    October 1, 2021
    Kyle MacCallum, Superintendent, Community Paramedicine, Toronto Paramedic Services and Jennifer Shield, Acting Deputy Chief, Program Development & Service Quality, Toronto Paramedic Services
    Purpose: To follow-up on initial discussions to explore ways in which OTs could support Toronto community paramedicine programs relating to falls, community long-term care and first responder mental health
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    August 2021

    August 24, 2021
    Fadi Dawood, Director, Stakeholder Strategy and Caucus Relations, Minister’s Office of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To establish relationship with the new Minister of Long-Term Care, Rod Phillips and his staff.  To identify challenges and the increasing pressure on OTs in LTCHs in the aftermath of closures during the pandemic and to advocate for implementation of the Ministry’s LTCH Staffing Plan which acknowledges a need to increase access to OT services.
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group.

    August 20, 2021
    Janet Hope, ADM Ministry of Long-Term Care, LTC Policy Division and Adriana Ibarguchi, Director Strategic Initiatives Branch, Ministry of LTC
    Purpose: To advocate for attention to the need to resource OT in LTCH as part of the early implementation of the LTCH Staffing Plan
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group.

    August 18, 2021
    Jayme Allen (MCCSS) Manager, Associate Minister Jane McKenna's Office and Mason Saunders, Director Stakeholder Relations, Minister Fullerton's Office, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    To establish relationship with new Minister Merrilee Fullerton's office and the new Associate Minister responsible for Children's Services Jane McKenna promoting OT roles in school health, autism, children's mental health
    OSOT Reps: Cathie Kissick, Debra Kennedy - Co-Chairs OSOT School-based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    July 2021

    July 28, 2021
    Claudine Munroe, ADM/Director of Special Education, Ministry of Education
    Purpose: To continue dialogue and positioning of OT as mental health professional in schools
    OSOT Reps: Cathie Kissick, Co-Chair SBOT Team, Stephanie Ellis, SBOT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    July 15, 2021 
    Kathy Short, Executive Director, Theresa Kennedy, Co-Director ,School Mental Health 
    Purpose: To promote occupational therapy as a school mental health professional
    OSOT Reps: Cathie Kissick, Co-Chair SBOT Team, Josie Saltzmara, Children/Youth Mental Health Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    June 2021

    June 18, 2021
    Adam Thurston, Superintendent, Toronto EMS, Jennifer Shield, Acting Deputy Chief, Program Development and Service Quality, Toronto EMS, Kyle MacCullum, Superintendent, Toronto EMS
    Purpose: To continue dialogue about ways that OTs could support Toronto EMS community paramedicine and Community Paramedicine Long-Term Care programs
    OSOT Reps: Janet Craik, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    April 2021

    April 25, 2021
    Mark DeMontis, Manager Stakeholder Relations, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
    Purpose: To promote OT as a resource to seniors and the Ministry in its efforts to support seniors and to introduce the En-AGE website and solicit Ministry input re launch.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    April 20, 2021
    Sarah Hardy, Director, Autism Branch, MCCSS, Krista Dymond, Jessica Bethel, Eleni Karkos, Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services, Marg Spoelstra, Autism Ontario
    Purpose: At MCCSS request, to continue discussions re eligibility requirements for occupational therapists to be included on the new OAP Provider List.
    OSOT Reps: Cathie Kissick, Stephanie Ellis, Ellen Yack (members of OSOT’s School-based OT Team) Tiziana Bontempo, Manager Professional Practice, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 2021

    March 24, 2021
    Gord McEachen, Chief of Toronto Paramedic Services, Jennifer Shield, Acting Deputy Chief, Program Development and Service Quality
    Purpose: To discuss/explore opportunities for collaboration of OT and EMS services to address community paramedicine needs
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 17, 2021
    Claudine Munroe, Director, Special Education Branch, Ministry of Education, Lisa Lumley, Manager Student Support and Field Services Division, MoE
    Purpose: To promote occupational therapy as a mental health profession and propose engagement of OTs on school mental health teams to address pandemic related increased MH needs of students
    OSOT Reps: Cathie Kissick, Co-Chair School-based OT Team, Donna Dennis, Chair, Child & Youth Mental Health Team, Stephanie Ellis, School-Based Mental Health Team

    February 2021

    February 26, 2021
    Sarah Hardy, Director, Autism Branch, MCCSS, Krista Dymond, Jessica Bethel, Eleni Karkos, Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services, Marg Spoelstra, Autism Ontario
    Purpose: At MCCSS request, to discuss eligibility requirements for occupational therapists to be included on the new OAP Provider List.

    February 21, 2021
    Natalie Kedzierski, Program Manager, Victoria Rossander, Program Manager, Lead Advanced Care Paramedic, Brian Laviolette, Platoon Leader, York EMS
    Purpose: To discuss/explore opportunities for collaboration of OT and EMS services to address community paramedicine needs
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    February 21, 2021
    Chief Kevin Smith, Karen Lutz, Deputy Chief, Rick Ferron, Deputy Chief, Marty Makon, Commander, Niagara EMS
    Purpose: To discuss/explore opportunities for collaboration of OT and EMS services to address community paramedicine needs. To learn more about Niagara EMS’s experience with engaging an OT on their Falls Intervention Team.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    January 2021

    January 27, 2021
    Donna Duncan, CEO, Ontario Long-Term Care Association
    Purpose: To discuss access to OT services in LTCH's during pandemic & OSOT's request for support to staffing study implementation
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OSOT Advocacy Meetings 2020

    November 2020

    November, 3, 2020
    Ian Lowe, Senior Program Coordinator, Assistive Devices Program, MOH
    Purpose: To discuss implementation strategies for the Ministry’s announced modernization of the ADP which will introduce electronic application submission for all device categories over the next 6 months.
    OSOT Reps: Marlene Adams, OSOT Seating and Mobility Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group.

    October 2020

    October 15, 2020
    Brian Pollard, ADM Long-Term Care, Ministry of Long-Term Care.
    Purpose: To discuss MLTC plans to build new LTCHs and to promote the importance of an OT perspective to design
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT Long-Term Care Homes Team, Debbie Branch, OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    September 2020

    September 22, 2020
    Ida Bianchi and John Callaghan, Ministry of the Attorney General
    Purpose: To engage OSOT and OT perspectives in the Auditor General's review of long-term care homes in COVID-19
    OSOT Rep: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    September 16, 2020
    Dawn Rokosh, Long-Term Care Commission
    To be vetted as organization to provide input to the LTC Homes Commission established to explore Long-Term Care experience of COVID-19
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    August 2020

    August 6, 2020
    Effie Triantafilopoulos, MPP, Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Long-Term Care 
    Purpose: To discuss OSOT feedback to the recently released Report of the Staffing Review Advisory Group, to promote OT in LTC Homes and to continue to advocate for resolution of pandemic restrictions limiting OTs to providing service in one home only.
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    August 12, 2020
    Claudine Munroe, Director Special Education and Success, Ministry of Education, Anne Sealey, Manager Special Education and Success for all, Ministry of Education
    Purpose: To promote occupational therapy as a resource to the Ministry’s return to school strategy for children with special needs and all children who may have mental health needs 
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kennedy, Co-Chair School-based OT Team, Stephanie Ellis, SBOT Team, Donna Dennis, Chair Child/Youth Mental Health Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group.

    July 2020

    July 7, 2020
    Janet Hope, Assistant Deputy Minister Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To discuss the restrictions placed on OTs as a result of the pandemic directions and the need to find solutions to provide access to OT for residents in LTCHs
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    June 2020

    June 30, 2020
    Matthew McGregor, Policy Advisor to Associate Minister Mental Health and Addictions
    Purpose: To discuss government’s new Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and to position occupational therapy as a key stakeholder
    OSOT Rep: Sandra Moll, MH Team, Donna Dennis, CYMH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group 

    June 4, 2020
    Associate Minister of Mental Health & Addictions, Mike Tibollo, Matthew McGregor, Senior Policy Advisor, Kara
    Purpose: To promote OT as a resource to MH Pandemic Planning Table and to seek update on status of MH & Addictions Strategy and importance of OT input
    OSOT Reps: Sandra Moll, Member, OSOT Adult Mental Health Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    May 2020

    May 7, 2020
    Amy Olmstead, Director Home and Community Care, Ministry of Health, Phil Graham, Executive Lead Ontario Health Teams
    Purpose: To discuss Home and Community Care modernization and follow-up on adjustments to telepractice fees in the home and community sector
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group and invited CEOs from OSLA, OPA, Dietitians of Canada, OASW.

    April 2020

    April 17, 2020
    Amy Olmstead, Director Home and Community Care, Ministry of Health
    To discuss Home and Community Care modernization and OT perspectives and to advocate for attention to visit rates for virtual care in home care
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 2020

    March 11, 2020
    Ministry of Long-Term Care, Long-Term Care Home Staffing Review Panel
    Purpose: To present OSOT positions and recommendations for staffing in LTC Homes, including rationale for increasing access to OT services
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair, OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 25, 2020
    WSIB - Julie Thurlow, Executive Director, Health Services
    Purpose: To discuss issues relating to provision of virtual care for WSIB clients during COVID-19 pandemic, including feasibility, fees
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    OSOT's Advocacy Meetings 2019

    December 2019

    December 3, 2019
    Cobi Lechem, Senior Policy Advisor to Minister of Finance
    Purpose: To discuss proposed auto insurance system policy reform and to present OSOT recommendations/positions to address key reform issues.
    OSOT Reps: Karen Rucas, Chair, OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    December 6, 2019
    Don Embuldeniya, Director Seniors Strategy, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
    Purpose: To introduce OSOT and occupational therapy and the contributions OT can make to the health and well-being of seniors.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    December 16, 2019
    David Wai, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance; Lucy Kang, Manager Auto Insurance Policy, Ministry of Finance
     At the request of the Minister's office to present occupational therapy perspectives on key auto insurance reform issues including care not cash, assessments and driver care card
    OSOT Reps: Karen Rucas, Chair OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    December 18, 2019

    Mason Saunders, Director of Stakeholder Relations, Minister’s Office, Ministry of Long Term Care 
    Purpose: To promote the profession of occupational therapy as a resource to government priorities in LTC Homes
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    October 2019

    October 3, 2019
    Steven Haddad, Director, Enhancing EMS in Ontario and Indrakshi Narula, Manager, Enhancing EMS in Ontario
    Purpose: To promote occupational therapy as a resource and evidence based resource to emergency services
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CG Group

    August 2019

    August 13, 2019

    Phil Graham, Acting ADM, MOHLTC and Patrick Mitchell, Director Mental Health and Addictions
    Purpose: To ascertain MOH direction re mental health and addictions strategy and to promote OT as key profession to build capacity in this sector.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    July 2019

    July 19, 2019
    Brian Pollard, ADM Long-Term Care, Ministry of Long-Term Care
    Purpose: To clarify new policy direction re funding for program support services for Long-Term Care Homes
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team,  Christie Brenchley Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CG Group

    July - October 2019
    Member of Minister's Advisory Panel for Ontario Autism Program 
    Purpose: To advise the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services on development of a new needs based program for children on the autism spectrum and their families.
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director 

    MAY 2019

    May 14, 2019
    Madeleine Legros, Program Analyst, & Monique Theriault, National Manager OT Services, Veterans Affairs Canada
    Purpose: At request of VAC to discuss Ontario health system and integration of VAC services and to share new developments at VAC
    OSOT Reps:   Sylvia Davidson, President, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    May 24, 2019
    Raymond Dinshaw, Acting Manager; Joan Stevens, Program Manager; Ian Lowe, Senior Program Coordinator, Assistive Devices Program, MOHLTC
    Purpose: To follow up on a pre-budget meeting to determine new initiatives of ADP and to continue to advocate for alternate options for Authorizer service delivery
    OSOT Reps: Deborah Cox, Chair, OSOT Seating & Mobility Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    APRIL 2019

    April 24, 2019
    Lou Reidel, Chief System Planning and Performance Officer and Enza  Ferro, Senior Advisor, Health System Planning and Performance, Ontario Hospital Association
    Purpose: To discuss opportunities for collaboration and information sharing relating to health system restructuring, bundled care models and emerging Ontario Health Teams
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    April 8, 2019
    Shirley Kendrick, ADM, Student Support & Fieldwork Service Division, Min. of Education, Claudine Munroe, Director Special Education, MOE
    Purpose: To discuss directions for School-based Rehabilitation Services, to identify issues of Ontario OTs and advocate for tiered models of service delivery
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kennedy, Chair OSOT School-Based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    April 3, 2019 
    Tim Porter, Chief of Staff, Minister’s Office, MCCSS, Susan Truppe, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Minister’s Office, MCCSS
    Purpose: To advance our advocacy for funding of OT services for children with autism….however OAP enhancements including funding of OT were announced that morning.  Sought direction on transition steps from here.
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kennedy, OSOT Rep to OAP, Christie  Brenchley, Executive Director

    MARCH 2019

    March 19, 2019
    Allison Costello, Director Policy & Innovation, MOHLTC and Jackie Houston, Manager Program, MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To discuss proposed health system transformation – Ontario Health, Ontario Health Teams and integrated funding models
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 7, 2019
    Eva Roszuk, Director Assistive Devices Program, Joan Stevens, Program Manager ADP, Ian Lowe, Senior Program Coordinator, ADP
    Purpose: To share challenges of OT authorizers working in the Mobility Program and to share solutions and seek insights re future directions of the program
    OSOT Reps: Marlene Adams, Chair, OSOT Seating & Mobility Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    FEBRUARY 2019

    February 1, 2019
    Jeff Preston, President Canadian Assistive Devices Association
    Purpose:  At CADA's request to discuss mutual issues of concern relating to the Assistive Devices Program and opportunities for joint advocacy
    OSOT Reps:  Deborah Cox, OSOT Seating & Mobility Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    JANUARY 2019

    January 23, 2019
    Kate Mulligan, Director Social Prescription Pilots, Alliance for Healthy Communities of Ontario
    Purpose: To discuss the rollout and evaluation plan for the 11 Social Prescribing pilots in Ontario and to promote linkages with occupational therapy and roles that OTs could play in relation to social programs
    OSOT Reps: Maria Borczyk, Co-Chair OSOT Primary Health Care Team, Christie  Brenchley, Executive Director

    January 22, 2019
    Jennifer Morris, ADM, Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services, Sarah Hardy, Director, Ontario Autism Program
    Purpose: To identify issues and concerns realting ot the current status of the Ontario Autism Program and access to OT services and to secure an update on MCCSS plans for ongoing review/development of the Program
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kenedy, Chair OSOT School-Based OT Team, Christie  Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    January 9, 2019 
    Brian Pollard, ADM, Long-Term Care Homes, MOHLTC
    Purpose: To advance OSOT’s positions re access to OT in LTCHs and to explore priorities and plans relating to Government’s commitment to build new LTC beds
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie  Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OSOT's Advocacy Meetings 2018
    DECEMBER 2018

    December 11, 2018  Tim Hadwen, ADM, Community, Mental Health and Addictions and French Language Services
    Purpose: To identify OSOT interests as a stakeholder in the province’s commitment to address Mental Health initiatives as a priority and to underline the value OTs bring to the mental health system
    OSOT Reps: Anna Yarmon, Co-Chair OSOT Adult Mental Health Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    December 7, 2018
    Jennifer Urosevic, Executive Director, Vision Loss Rehabilitation Ontario, CNIB
    Purpose: Vision Loss Rehabiliation has expressed interest in linking with OSOT re vision loss rehab strategy, their evolving role in Ontario and potentials to engage OTs in vision loss rehab
    OSOT Reps: Julia Foster, OSOT Rep to Eye Council of Ontario, Vision Loss Rehab Working Group, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    NOVEMBER, 2018

    November 30, 2018
    Laurell Brazill, Senior Policy Advisor Minister of Health
    Purpose: To position OSOT as a stakeholder in the Long-term Care Homes system and to explore the government’s election platform commitments relating to increase LTCH beds and advocate for attention to human resource diversification in LTCHs
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTCH Team, Christie  Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    November 26, 2018 
    Kailey Vokes, Senior Policy Advisor Minister of Finance
    Purpose -  to introduce OSOT as a stakeholder in the Auto Insurance Sector and, noting that the Government’s Economic Statement identifies interest in reviewing auto insurance rates (equity) and system modernization, to gain insight into government priorities and plans for the system
    OSOT Reps: Karen Rucas, Chair OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    SEPTEMBER 2018

    September 28, 2018
    Darryl Sturtevant, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services, Stacey Weber, Director Early Childhood Development Branch, MCCSS, Carly Cheung, MCCSS
    Purpose: To assert OSOT support for advancing the directions of the Special Needs Strategy and to ascertain current projected directions
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kennedy, Stephanie Ellis, OSOT School-based Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    September 5, 2018
    Tim Porter, Chief of Staff, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
    Purpose: To profile occupational therapy services in relation to the former Special Needs Strategy and to assess the new government’s direction for children’s rehabilitation services
    OSOT Reps: Debra Kennedy, Sandra Sahagian, Stephanie, Ellis, OSOT School-based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    APRIL 2018

    April 20, 2018
    Nancy Lytle, ADM, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Long-Term Care Homes
    Purpose: To position occupational therapy services as vital to the LTCHs environment.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    MARCH 2018

    March 26, 2018
    Caroline Gosse, Vice President of Integrated Care, St Joseph’s Health System President, St. Joseph’s Home Care
    Purpose: To discuss bundled care models and the experience of St. Joseph’s Hamilton in engaging this funding model. To discuss implications for OT and how best to position OT within these models which are rolling out for hip and knee replacements.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 13, 2018
    Monica Bretzlaff, Manager, Behavioural Supports Ontario Provincial Coordinating Office, Katelynn Viau, Project Coordinator, BSO Provincial Coordinating  Office
     To discuss updates in BSO initiatives including new directives for interprofessional teams in LTC Homes and to promote OT as an important resource to BSO teams both in homes and in the community.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 6, 2018
    Charissa Levy, Executive Director, Rehab Care Alliance
    Purpose: To discuss and provide input into RCA’s 2018/19 foci and to explore their interest in promoting rehab services in primary care.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 5, 2018
    Monica Bretzlaff, Manager, Behavioural Supports Ontario Provincial Coordinating Office, Katelynn Viau, Project Coordinator, BSO Provincial Coordinating  Office
     To discuss updates in BSO initiatives including new directives for interprofessional teams in LTC Homes and to promote OT as an important resource to BSO teams both in homes and in the community.
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    FEBRUARY 2018

    February 27, 2018
    Brian Pollard, ADM Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care responsible for LTC
    Purpose: To follow up on past discussions re utilization of occupational therapists in LTC Homes particularly as this relates to management of responsive behaviours and falls prevention.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    February 14, 2018
    Chantal Gagnon, Project Coordinator, Driver Medical Review Project Modernization, Ministry of Transportation
     To provide insights from an OT perspective of experience with the medical review reporting program and processes to inform development and modernization of the program and its administration.
    OSOT Reps: Nelle Marie Hyde, St. Elizabeth Healthcare

    JANUARY 2018

    January 30, 2018
    Melissa Farrell, ADM, MOHLTC, Health System Quality & Funding Division, Stephanie Soo, Team Lead, Program Development Unit, Fredrika Scarth, Director HQO Liaison and Program Development Branch, MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To promote occupational therapy perspectives and roles/contributions to support new funding models such as bundled care, access to specialists, structured psychotherapy.
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    January 18, 2018 Katie Heelis, Senior Policy Advisor, Minister’s Office, MOHLTC   Purpose:  To establish relationship, gather information regarding the MOH’s plan for implementation of the announced funded structured psychotherapy and to promote occupational therapists as mental health professionals ideally suited to provide structured psychotherapy.  OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group. January 18, 2018 Association of Ontario Health Centres, Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario, Nurse Practitioners Association of Ontario Purpose: Met with interprofessional association partners of professions in Band 8 of compensation grid in primary care to link with AOHC, AFHTO and NPAO to explore potentials for joint advocacy for fairer compensation in primary care. OSOT Reps: Maria Borzcyk, Co-Chair OSOT Primary Health Care Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director January 12, 2018
    Jenna Hay, Senior Policy Advisor, Responsible for Auto Insurance, Ministry of Finance
    Purpose: To discuss the Ministry of Finance’s agenda for policy reform relating to auto insurance and to present OSOT’s recommendations relating to independent assessments, management of minor to moderate injuries and roles that occupational therapists play in supporting rehabilitation of MVA victims.
    OSOT Reps: Karen Rucas, Chair OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OSOT’s Advocacy Meetings 2017
    NOVEMBER 2017

    November 20, 2017
    Joan Stevens, Program Manager, ADP, Ian Lowe, Senior Program Coordinator, ADP
    Purpose: To engage collaborative discussions relating to addressing issues affecting the delivery of seating and mobility assessment services resulting in applications to the ADP for funding.
    OSOT Reps: Marlene Adams, Chair OSOT Seating & Mobility Team, Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, Deborah Cox, Seating & Mobility Team Members, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    November 30, 2017
    Tim Hadwen, ADM MOHLTC, Amy Olmstead, Director Implementation Branch, Phil Graham, Director Primary Care Branch, Jessica Riehm, Senior Policy Advisor, Strategic Policy Unit.
    Purpose: To further build relationship and to promote and discuss contributions of occupational therapists to expanding home and community care and primary care systems.
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron  Gersh, CCS Group

    November 14, 2017
    Ian Chesny, Senior Policy Advisor, Minister's Office, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
    Promotion of contribution occupational therapists can make to Ontario's new Seniors Action Plan: Aging with Confidence
    OSOT Reps: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    SEPTEMBER 2017

    September 14, 2017 Stephanie Aguilar,  Project Analyst, Paul Brown, Director, Licensing Services Branch, Frank Alulio, Manager, Licensing Services Branch, Ministry of Transportation
    Purpose:  Ministry consultation with OSOT regarding Medical Review Process Modernization.  OSOT advocating the role of occupational therapists in the medical review process and adding experienced insights to modernization process.
    OSOT Reps:  Nelle Marie Hyde, Brenda Vrkljan, Wendy Nieuland, Ruheena Sangrar, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    AUGUST 2017

    August 3, 2017
    Brian Pollard, Assistant Deputy Minister, Long-Term Care Homes Division, MOHLTC
    Purpose: To follow-up on discussions relating to the engagement of occupational therapists in long-term care home to address issues of dementia and responsive behaviours.  To discuss OT contributions to falls prevention in LTC Homes.
    OSOT Reps: Joanne Kular, Chair, OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    August 4, 2017
    Ian Chesney, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Minister of Health and Long-term Care
    Purpose:   To seek clarification about the status of the controlled act of psychotherapy and the Ministry’s plans regarding proclamation of the act, urging passage and identifying the unsatisfactory situation of OTs not being able to call themselves pscyhotherapists because they are not registrants of College of Registered Psychotherapists.
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    JUNE 2017

    June 16, 2017
    Michael Roffey, Superintendent Community Paramedicine, Toronto Paramedic Service
    Purpose:  To explore opportunities for partnership of OTs and community paramedics to address at risk community dwelling seniors.  To share information about OT to EMS.
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    MAY 2017

    May 17, 2017
    Members of the Provincial Parliament and staffers
    Purpose:  OSOT hosted MPP Luncheon to build relationship and promote OSOT positions relating to OT as leaders in seniors care and contributions to seniors needs and the health system’s challenges related to seniors health and well-being.
    OSOT Reps:  Beth Linkewich, Lesya Dyk, Laura Hayos, Donna Dennis, Lynn Stewart, Anna Yarmon, Karen Rucas, Julia Foster, Catherine Donnelly

    APRIL 2017

    April 21, 2017
    Amy Olmstead, Director Home and Community Care Branch, MOHLTC  and  Debra Bell, Manager Community Care, MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To discuss progress on transformation in the home and community care system and to advocate OSOT’s positions regarding needs for more restorative foci in home and community care and the many ways in which OTs can contribute to health system and patient goals.
    OSOT Reps:  Barbara Cawley, OSOT’s Seniors Advisory Group, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director,  Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    April 7, 2017
    Toronto Transit Commission
    Purpose:  To participate in a consultation on implementation components of the TTC’s 10 year strategic plan for Wheeltrans.
    OSOT Reps:  Lynne Kozina

    April 6, 2017
    Michael Robertson, Director of Capacity Planning & Priorities Branch, MOHLTC and Adam Morrison, Manager, Partnership and Consultation Unit, MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To discuss the emerging provincial Dementia Strategy and to position occupational therapy as a key player in both long-term care homes, home and community care and primary care.
    OSOT Reps:  Sylvia Davidson, OSOT Board Director, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS  Group

    MARCH 2017

    March 31, 2017
    Ontario Provincial Autism Program Advisory Committee
    Purpose:  To present OSOT and OT perspectives on the developing Ontario Autism Program to the Provincial Advisory Committee.
    OSOT Reps:  Debra Kennedy, OSOT Rep to OAP Advisory Committee, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 28, 2017
    Jennifer Shiller, Senior Policy Advisory, Office of Minister of Health
    Purpose:  To introduce OSOT and OT to this new policy advisor with responsibility for mental health. To discuss MOH priorities for mental health issues and to advance OSOT’s positions for OT in mental health.
    OSOT Reps:  Anna Yarmon, Co-chair OSOT Mental Health Sector Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    March 28, 2017
    Amy Olmstead, Director Home and Community Care Branch, MOHLTC  and  Debra Bell, Manager Community Care, MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To discuss timelines and proposed transition of CCAC services to the Local Health Integration Networks, to advocate OSOT’s positions related to the developing Levels of Care Framework for home and community care.
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    FEBRUARY 2017

    February 28, 2017
    Brian Pollard, Acting ADM MOHLTC – Long-term Care, Michelle Hylton, Director Licensing & Policy Branch, Tom Granofsky, EA ADM, Policy and Transformation, Bryan Sales, Senior Program Consultant, Licensing & LTC Programs, Margaret Allore, Manager Licencing and LTC Programs, Theresa Nowak, Financial Policies & Procedures
    Purpose:  At invitation of ADM, to present OSOT recommendations for models to support re-introduction of OT in LTC Homes with a focus on cognitive function & responsive behaviours.
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Sylvia Davidson, OSOT Board & LTCH Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OSOT’s Advocacy Meetings 2016
    DECEMBER 2016

    December 20, 2016
    Sharon Lee Smith, Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for transformation, MOHLTC and Brian Pollard, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister MOHLTC – Long-term Care.
    Purpose:    To position OTs as solutions to dementia care and responsive behavior issues in Ontario’s LTC Homes.
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OCTOBER 2016

    October 14, 2016
    Teri Irwin,  Director Quality Standards, Health Quality Ontario
    Purpose:  To introduce OSOT to HQO and to learn/discuss HQO’s activities related to Quality Standards
    OSOT Reps:   Ron Gersh, CCS Group 

    October 13, 2016
    Nancy Naylor, Associate Deputy Minister, Delivery and Implementation, MOHLTC,  Amy Olmstead, Director Home and Community Care, MOHLTC, Tim Hadwen, Assistant Deputy Minister,  Health System Accountability and Performance, MOHLTC
    Purpose:   To discuss OSOT response to the proposed Levels of Care Framework for Home and Community Care and to position OT within home and community care models of service delivery
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    October 7, 2016
    Marg Connor, Executive Lead Mental Health & Addictions MOHLTC
    Purpose:  To discuss Ontario’s mental health and addictions strategy priorities and dementia care
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    SEPTEMBER 2016

    September 12, 2016
    Ian Chesney, Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
    Ian has responsibility for the LTC Homes file.   We proposed an opportunity to pilot OT in LTC Homes as a component of enriched Behavioural Support Teams.
    OSOT Reps:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    September 7, 2016
    Vivienne Ng, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
    Vivienne is new to the position.  Opportunity to introduce, OSOT, OT and OSOT's key issues relating to LTC Homes, home and community care and to gain insight into the priority of the Minister's office - Patient's First legislation, physician fee agreement
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    JULY 2016

    July 13, 2016
    Debbie Humphries, Acting CEO, Kathryn Pilkington, Director of Professional Services & Health Policy, Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors
    To promote awareness of OT services and supports for residents of LTC Homes, to discuss service delivery options for access to OT in LTC Homes and to forge partnerships in advocating for necessary services for residents of LTC Homes.
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne Kular, Chair, OSOT Long-Term Care Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    July 12, 2016
    Charissa Levy, ED Rehabilitative Care Alliance, Dorianne Sauve, CEO, Ontario Physiotherapy Association, Mary Cook, ED, Ontario Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
    To discuss implications of proposed Patients First Act on rehabilitation services in Ontario and to promote a collaborative through which to advocate for attention to rehabilitation services and new models of rehab services delivery in the community sector of the future to increase availability and access of OT services to Ontarians across the province.
    OSOT Rep:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    JUNE 2016

    June 22, 2016
    Don McKay, Director of Sales, Home Medical Equipment Inc.
    To discuss issues relating to service delivery models for OT in long-term care homes.  Proposal of pilot project to more effectively support access to necessary equipment of residents in LTC Homes.
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    June 21, 2016
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance
    RCA Annual Provincial Forum - provided updates on key Rehab Care Alliance activities, opportunities for interactions around key recommendations, next steps, etc.
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    June 8, 2016
    Sophie Kiewala, MPP Kingston and the Islands
    At Ms. Kiewala's request in follow-up to OSOT's MPP Luncheon in October 2015, to discuss roles OTs play, in particular in relation to vulnerable populations, mental health services
    OSOT Reps:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    June 7, 2016
    Dean Milton, Assistant Manager, Wheeltrans, Toronto Transit Commission; Lito Romano, Community Liaison, Toronto Transit Commission
    At the TTC's request to discuss the 10 year Strategy for Wheeltrans and to discuss proposed new eligibility criteria and roles OTs might play in assessment of applicants for Wheeltrans.
    OSOT Reps:    Lynne Kozina, Community OT, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Nisha Goel (Student OT)

    June 1, 2016
    Michael Robertson, Director Capacity Planning & Priorities Branch, MOHLTC & Gillian MacDonald, Manager Partnerships & Consultation Branch, MOHLTC
    To establish relationship with bureaucratic leads of the province's developing Dementia Strategy, to engage OSOT in the strategy development process & promote OT as a valued resource to people living with dementia and their caregivers.  To discuss evolving plans for investment in the province's Behavioural Supports Ontario program and how this might impact OT.
    OSOT Reps:    Sylvia Davidson, OSOT Board Director, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Nisha Goel (Student OT),Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    MAY 2016

    May 24, 2016
    Candace Chartier, CEO, Ontario Long-Term Care Association
    To discuss long range advocacy strategies of mutual interest to advance the long-term care sector & promote access to occupational therapy services
    OSOT Reps:    Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    APRIL 2016

    April 12, 2016
    Louise Sirisko, Director Special Education Policyand Programs Branch, Ministry of Education
    To discuss OT solutions for the Speical Needs Strategy (MoE is one of 4 Ministries overseeing this reform agenda
    OSOT Reps:   Debra Kennedy, Chair OSOT School Based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, The CCS Group

    April 8, 2016
    Miranda Ferrier, Executive Director, Ontario Personal Support Worker Association, Kathleen Scott, Vice President/Secretary, OPSWA
       To explore OSOT/OPSWA partnership opportunities to promote OT in the public and private community sector
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, The CCS Group

    MARCH 2016

    March 24, 2016
    Michelle Collins, Senior Lead Health System Performance, Mississauga Halton LHIN
    To discuss MH LHIN programs and successes with assess and restore programs and to promote OT contributions to seniors health and aging at home goals
    OSOT Reps:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, The CCS Group

    March 15, 2016
    Stacey Weber, Director Child & Youth Development, Ministry of Children & Youth Services, Kim McLean, Manager of Special Needs, Children & Youth Services
    To discuss developments in Ontario's emerging Special Needs Strategy and to promote OT solutions for children with special needs & the Special Needs Strategy
    OSOT Reps:    Debra Kennedy, Chair OSOT School-based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, The CCS Group

    March 15, 2016
    Heather Driver, Director, Licensing Branch, Licensing & Market Conduct Division, Financial Services Commission of Ontario
    To present OSOT positions, concerns and recommendations regarding FSCO's plan to integrate the Assessment of Attendant Care, Form I into the HCAI electronic billing system
    OSOT Reps:    Karen Rucas, OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Lead, Carol MacDonald, OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team Chair, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 11, 2016
    Ian Chesny, Senior Policy Advisor, Associate Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
    To advocate OSOT's positions and proposals to restore access to reasonable levels of OT services in LTC Homes
    OSOT Reps:   Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    FEBRUARY 2016

    February 18, 2016
    John Fraser, MPP Ottawa South, Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
    To discuss the government's approach to the future of regulation of health professions in Ontario and Ontario OTs' interest in expanded scope of practice as John has special responsibility for this portfolio
    OSOT Reps:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    February 10, 2016
    Special Needs Strategy Provider Table - Darryl Sturtevant, Assistant Deputy Minister, Children & Youth Services, representatives from Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care, Education and Community & Social Services
    Update to stakeholders on progress of Special Needs Strategy
    OSOT Reps:  Debra Kennedy, Chair OSOT School-Based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    February 16, 2016
    Sue Vanderbent, CEO, HomeCare Ontario
    To explore issues of mutual interest in relation to advocacy for home and community care sector
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, The CCS Group

    February 17, 2016
    Roundtable on Patients First Discussion Paper, Nancy Naylor, Associate Deputy Minister, Health System Delivery & Implementation, Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care
    Stakeholder consultation on proposed health system restructuring
    OSOT Reps:    Barbara Cawley, Co-Chair OSOT Seniors/Community TF, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    JANUARY 2016

    January 18, 2016
    Ministry of Transportation, Elizabeth Weldon, Program Advisor, Medical Review Section
    To discuss the potential involvement of occupational therapists in the Medical Review process relating to driver safety and licenses that is possible further to the passage of Bill 31.
    OSOT Reps:  Nelle Marie Hyde, Brenda Vrkljan, Ruheena Sangrar, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    January 18, 2016
    Financial Services Commission of Ontario - Heather Driver, Senior Manager, Margaret Orlander, Kim Abdool
    To discuss OSOT's submission in review of the proposed Common Traffic Impairment Guideline
    OSOT Reps:  Carol MacDonald, Chair OSOT Auto Sector Team, Karen Rucas, OSOT Auto Sector Lead, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    OSOT’s Advocacy Meetings 2015
    DECEMBER 2015

    December 15, 2015
    Ontario Health Regulatory Colleges - Health Clinic Regulation Forum
        To participate in discussions about proposed model for clinic regulation of Ontario Health Regulatory Colleges (including COTO)
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    NOVEMBER 2015

    November 18, 2015
    Laurie Johnston, CEO, Ontario Retirement Communities Association
    To establish relationship with a significant stakeholder in the community sector and to discuss OSOT's submission to the Seniors Secretariat's consultation on the Ontario Retirement Homes Act, 2010, promoting access to OT services for residents of Ontario retirement homes.
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director and Ron Gersh, CCS Group

    OCTOBER 2015

    October 2, 2015
    Deborah Simon, Executive Director, Ontario Community Support Association
    To further discussions around positioning of "restorative" messaging to Home and Community Care Transformation tables
    OSOT Rep:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS  Group

    SEPTEMBER 2015

    September 30, 2015
    Levels of Care Workshop, MOHLTC Implementation Branch
        To provide an OT perspective to consultative discussions regarding the development of levels of care for the home and community care transformation agenda
    OSOT Rep:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    AUGUST 2015

    August 20, 2015
    Miranda Ferrier, Executive Director, Ontario Personal Support Worker Association
    Purpose:  To establish relationship and to explore opportunities for collaboration in positioning restorative approaches in the community sector, specifically programs such as the Home Independence Program
    OSOT Reps:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, CCS Group (GR Consultant)

    August 19, 2015
    Minister Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors & Associate Minister of Health & Long-Term Care Dipika Damerla and their staff
    To present a proposal for funding of pilots/demonstration projects of interprofessional restorative therapy teams in long-term care homes.  Presented as part of a consortium of associations representing Dietetics, Kinesiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and  Speech-Language Pathology
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne Kular, OSOT LTC Homes Team Chair and Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    JULY 2015

    July 17, 2015
    Jane  Cleve, Director Specialized Services & Supports Branch, MCYS, Kim McLean, Manager Special Needs, MCYS, Stacey Weber, Manager Children & Youth Services, MCYS, Carly Heung, Senior Policy Analyst, MCYS, Lisa Lumley, Manager Strategic Planning Unit, Ministry of Education, Denise Bagheri, Senior Policy Advisor, Mental Health & Addiction Unit, MOHLTC, Jenny Cheng, Senior Policy Advisory, Mental Health &  Addictions Unit, MOHLTC
    Met to discuss Special Needs Strategy and to position OT services in the school system.  Presented Occupational  Therapy in the Ontario School System:  effective practices that fit with the Special Needs Strategy a resource promoting the most current evidence and promising practices in school-based OT.
    OSOT Reps:  Debra Stewart, School-Based OT Team, Kim Woodland, School-Based OT Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    July 14, 2015
    Deborah Simon, Executive Director, Ontario Community Support Association
       Meet to discuss access to OT services in community & amongst OCSA members
    OSOT Reps:    Barbara Cawley, OSOT Strategic Advocacy Committee, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    JUNE 2015

    Maria Cece, Manager Auto Insurance Policy, Ministry of Finance

    Purpose:  To discuss proposed amendments to the SABS and implications of benefit reductions on individuals injured in MVAs…identifying OT perspectives and recommendations.
    OSOT Reps:  Karen Rucas, OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Lead, Carol MacDonald, OSOT Auto Insurance Sector Team Chair, Ron Gersh, CCS Group, (GR Consultant)

    MAY 2015

    May 12, 2015
    Collaborative Rehab Meeting with Dr. Peter Nord, Co-Chair Rehabilitative Care Alliance
      Update on Rehabilitative Care Alliance activities, assess/restore policy
    OSOT Rep:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    May 6, 2015
    Ministers Mario Sergio (Seniors) & Eric Hoskins (MOHLTC) Policy Staff
    Purpose:    Interprofessional meeting to discuss access to OT & therapy services in Long-Term Care Homes
    OSOT Reps:  Joanne  Kular,  Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    APRIL 2015

    April 28, 2015
    Minister Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors,
    Minister Deb Matthews, Treasury Board

    Purpose:   Dinner event, opportunity for networking with key Ministers
    OSOT Reps:    Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Ron Gersh, GR Consultant, CCS Group

    April 15, 2015
    Anna Greenberg, Director, Community & Population Health Branch, Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care
    Anne Bowlby, Manager, Mental Health & Addictions Unit, Ministry of Health & Long-Term Care

    Purpose:  Discussion of occupational therapy contribution to Phase 2 of provincial Mental Health & Addictions Strategy
    OSOT Reps:  Anna Yarmon, Co-Chair, OSOT Mental Health Team, Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    MARCH 2015

    March 20, 2015
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance, Out-patient/Ambulatory Advisory Group Meeting
    Purpose:  Review/input to work of Task Group for out-patient and ambulatory rehabilitative services
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 13, 2015
    Purpose: presenting OSOT’s document on OT in LTC Homes and further advocacy for attention to restoration of OT service.
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director, Joanne Kular, Chair OSOT LTC Homes Team

    March 12, 2015
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance, Frail Senior/Medically Complex Task and Advisory Group Meeting
    Purpose:    Update to Advisory Group on work of task force and introduction of Draft Final Report of the Rehabilitative Care Alliance
    OSOT Rep:  Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    March 11, 2015
    Alyson Rowe, Senior Policy Advisor, Minister of Health & Long Term Care’s Office
    Purpose: introduction of OT as a stakeholder in mental health and addictions strategy
    OSOT Rep: Christie Brenchley, Executive Director , Anna Yarmon, Chair OSOT Mental Health Sector Team.

    JANUARY 2015

    January 14, 2015 
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance Frail Senior/Medically Complex Advisory Group Meeting
    :        ongoing advisory role to RCA, bringing an OT perspective to work of RCA
    OSOT Rep:     Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    January 7, 2015 
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance Out-Patient/Ambulatory Advisory Group Meeting
    :        ongoing advisory role to RCA, bringing an OT perspective to work of RCA
    OSOT Rep:     Christie Brenchley, Executive Director

    January 6, 2015 
    Rehabilitative Care Alliance Capacity Planning/System Evaluation Advisory Group Meeting
    Purpose:        ongoing advisory role to RCA, bringing an OT perspective to work of RCA
    OSOT Rep:     Christie Brenchley, Executive Director