Seating and Mobility
Occupational therapists practicing in the area of seating and mobility may work in a variety of settings including: hospitals, long term care homes, clinics or increasingly in the community setting. It’s always a challenge to provide client centered care that is based on current, best practice knowledge, amidst funding cuts and within client various environments. This is a practice area that OTs have the opportunity to really corner the market in - whether through publicly or privately funded avenues.
Arguably one of the more ‘specialized’ areas of practice OTs can choose to work in we hope the following resources add value, knowledge and evidence to practice. They are current in that the majority have been released within the past 3 to 5 years and are very helpful in guiding assessment, helping with problem identification, and providing rationale for OT recommendations. These resources are congruent with the current ADP authorizer agreement (2014).
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