Event Listing

Reframe Communication: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Live Online
Lara Desrosiers OT Reg. (Ont.)
Start Date
End Date

Upon completion of this course, participants will learn how to: Increase your understanding of the psychological processes that often keep patients stuck with their pain and other distressing physical symptoms Broaden understanding of the complexities of fear in rehabilitation in order to be able to respond to each individual client more effectively Learn simple CBT-based strategies for supporting clients to broaden their awareness of their emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to their experience of symptoms Practice techniques for countering common unhelpful thinking patterns that often arise when patients are struggling with difficult experiences Learn how to get your patients moving and re-engaged with the things that are important to them using behavioral experiments and graded exposure hierarchies designed to challenge fear and bolster self-efficacy.
This course enables participants to REFRAME their understanding of the psychological processes that underlie pain and distressing physical symptoms and stop therapeutic progress. In this course, participants will apply their knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Techniques and rehabilitation principles to assess and treat the biopsychosocial aspects of pain including fear, emotion, behaviour and cognition. Evidence-based assessment and treatment techniques will be emphasized
Evidence-based assessment and treatment techniques will be emphasized