
The list below is our extensive collection of archived webinars. Some webinars are complimentary to members while others have a discounted fee. Members will need to log into our site in order to receive the member rate and non-members will be asked to create a website account in order to make a purchase. 

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All Webinars

A Caregiver's Journey as an OT in Dementia Care

PRESENTED BY: Catherine Locke (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.), Queensway Carleton Hospital, Ottawa

  • Learn and apply practical functional strategies and techniques to support clients and caregivers through the dementia journey, from the early stages to end of life.
  • Gain insight into the role of the caregiver and identify their struggles.
  • Understand the term "therapeutic lying" and how it applies to clients with dementia.
  • Identify how to optimally access and use community supports to ensure smooth transitions within the dementia journey.
  • Learn how to balance being both a caregiver and an occupational therapist.
  • Learn how to provide caregiver support using an empathetic and empowering approach.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

A Primer on Consent, Capacity and Substitute Decision Making

PRESENTED BY: Christine Morano, Lawyer at Advocai LLP and John-Paul Zeni, Lawyer at Advocai LLP

  • Consent and capacity.
  • Substitute decision making.
  • Common challenges and practical solutions.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Addictions 101

PRESENTED BY: Tammy Heise, RN, BN, CPMHN (C) and Elle Diniz, BSc, MSc

  • Stigma in addiction.
  • Addictions as a disease.
  • Opioid crisis - the facts.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

brainXchange: Who We Are and What We Do

PRESENTED BY: Jillian McConnell, Knowledge Mobilization Lead and Knowledge Broker

  • brainXchange's mission and commitment.
  • How the organization uses Knowledge Translation and Exchange (KTE) to fulfill their mandate.
  • How brainXchange may be helpful to members of OSOT.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Bridging the Transition From Homelessness To Housed:
A Social Justice Framework to Guide Occupational Therapists

PRESENTED BY: Carrie Anne Marshall, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Rebecca Gewurtz, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Describe the research providing a foundation for the Bridging the Transition Framework.
  • Provide an overview of the Bridging the Transition Framework.
  • Summarize the competencies needed for occupational therapists to support homeless individuals across the transition from homeless to housed.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Call for Patient Reported Outcome Measures: Using the COPM

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Helene Polatajko, Professor Emeritus, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), OT(C), FCAOT, FCAHS, OC, and Beth Linkewich, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Understand what a Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) is and how it is used in the health system.
  • Describe the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM).
  • Learn how to identify the COPM as a PROM.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

CCSMH Guidelines on Depression Among Older Adults

PRESENTED BY: Dr. David Conn (he/him), Executive Vice-President of Education and Chief Academic Officer, Baycrest Academy for Research & Education, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Baycrest

  • Understand the process for creating and updating the Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health (CCSMH) Clinical Guidelines on Depression Among Older Adults.
  • Consider possible approaches to the prevention of depression in older adults.
  • Explore how to use the updated guidelines in your practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT-I) for Insomnia Protocol

PRESENTED BY: Nicole Nadeau, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • The importance of sleep.
  • Overview of the protocol.
  • Considerations for special populations (with case study).

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)

PRESENTED BY: Kristin Collins (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Understand the foundations of the CST approach and the role occupational therapists have in implementing this program.
  • Have knowledge, skills and resources to implement CST as a service within your organization.
  • This session is 2 hours and 30 minutes in duration.

Non-Member Price: 210.00
Member price: 160.00

Delirium: A New Quality Standard - What It Means for OTs

PRESENTED BY: Sylvia Davidson, OT Reg. (Ont.), Hospital Manager - Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy & Therapeutic Recreation

  • Significant features of delirium.
  • What this new quality standard offers.
  • Implications for occupational therapists' clinical practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Driver Reporting

PRESENTED BY: Elizabeth Weldon, Ministry of Transportation, Amie Enns, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Nellemarie Hyde, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Overview of both mandatory and discretionary provisions.
  • Overview of review process and how licensing decisions are made.
  • Overview of national medical standards.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Early Planning for Dementia Care: How Important Is It?

PRESENTED BY: Sylvia Davidson (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Have knowledge of recent advances, and challenges, in dementia research.
  • Understand how ageist attitudes can compromise good dementia care.
  • Embrace your role as advocates for individuals with dementia.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Eating Disorders: For You; For Your Practice

PRESENTED BY: Shelly Dilawri, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Ary Maharaj, M.Ed. RP (Qualifying)

  • What is disordered eating? Signs to watch for, causes, and co-occurring conditions.
  • Diet culture, weight stigma, and the importance of a weight-inclusive practice.
  • Navigating pathways to care for a client: making a warm referral and strategies for short-term work.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: Changes in Community Mobility - Driving

PRESENTED BY: Brenda Vrkljan, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Ruheena Sangrar, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Understand the impact of changes in driving and community mobility on health and quality of life in older adulthood.
  • Discuss existing, emerging, and potential opportunities for occupational therapists and others to support driving, community mobility, and out-of-home engagement.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: Growing in Senior Citizenship

PRESENTED BY: Colleen McGrath, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) and Aaron Yuen, OT Reg. (Ont.), CHE

  • Introduce the En-AGE Growing into Senior Citizenship module.
  • Discuss the benefits of civic engagement and volunteering as an occupational role in older adulthood.
  • Position occupational therapists to incorporate a focus on civic engagement and volunteerism into their clinical practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: New Challenges for An Older Worker

PRESENTED BY: Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Who is the older adult?
  • Why is work important?
  • Role of occupational therapists.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: Positioning OTs As Leaders in Seniors' Care

PRESENTED BY: Barry Trentham, PhD and Sachindri Wijekoon, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Life course transitions.
  • Enabling ageing well.
  • Seniors’ care.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

En-AGE: Staying Socially Connected

PRESENTED BY: Barry Trentham, PhD and Catherine Donnelly, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Better appreciate the impact of social isolation on the health and well-being of older persons.
  • Identify the challenges faced by older persons to remain socially active.
  • Learn about strategies used by occupational therapists to support older adults in their efforts to remain socially active with a focus on the OASIS project.
  • Learn about the concept of NORCs (naturally occurring retirement communities) and how occupational therapist can become involved.
  • Familiarize participants on the use of the En-AGE Website to support knowledge sharing and dissemination.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

EnAGE - Occupational Therapy and Ageing Well in Ontario

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Barry Trentham, OT Reg. (Ont.), Dr. Colleen McGrath, OT Reg. (Ont.), Dr. Sachindri Wijekoon, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Language, terminology and definitions.
  • Occupational transitions of old age.
  • Role of occupational therapy in supporting occupational transitions of old age.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Facilitating Positive Behaviour for People With Dementia


  • 5 hour virtual workshop.
  • Apply models of dementia care to determine causes and triggers of responsive behaviours.
  • Tailor strategies to address the unique needs of the person living with dementia, their care partner, and the environment.
  • Identify triggers of responsive behaviours to guide clinical decision making.
  • Formulate strategies for managing responsive behaviours using: meaningful activity engagement, environmental modification, communication strategies, and task adaptation.

Non-Member Price: 250.00
Member price: 195.00

Give the Brain a Voice With VoxNeuro

PRESENTED BY: Dr. John F. Connolly, Dr. Kyle I. Ruiter, and Lori Desjardine, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Overview of the technology and cognitive scores.
  • Case studies.
  • Working with a VoxNeuro Test Center.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

How Can OTs Manage the Risks Associated With Virtual Care?

PRESENTED BY: Andrew Spencer, RIBO, Account Executive, PROLINK

  • How can OTs provide professional and ethical virtual care?
  • Professional liability risks.
  • Risk management tips and strategies.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Identifying Long COVID in Clinical Practice

PRESENTED BY: Jessica DeMars (she/her), PT, Breathe Well Physio

  • Understand symptoms and presentation of Long COVID.
  • Identify screening tools and Patient Reported Outcomes for people with Long COVID.
  • Discuss safe rehabilitation principles in people with Long COVID.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Intimacy & Aging - What's OT Got To Do With It?

PRESENTED BY: Sylvia Davidson (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Acknowledge personal biases and potential barriers to addressing sexual expression in older adults.
  • Understand myths and realities related to sexuality and aging.
  • Gain knowledge about possible intervention strategies as you develop increased comfort when approaching this sensitive topic.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Introduction to Occupational Performance Coaching

PRESENTED BY: Dorothy Kessler, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) background.
  • Description of OPC.
  • Evidence to support use of OPC.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Links2Wellbeing: Social Prescribing for Older Adults

PRESENTED BY: Dena Silverberg (she/her), BA (Hons), Project Coordinator, Links2Wellbeing: Social Prescribing for Older Adults, Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario, Maria DiCarlo, OT Reg. NB, and OSOT's Retired Members Team

  • Understand social prescribing, its role in healthcare, and the benefits for older adults.
  • Distinguish the components of a successful social prescribing program and how interested parties can be involved.
  • Illustrate how volunteering can be integrated into social prescribing and demonstrate the benefits of volunteering for individuals and communities.
  • Outline the steps to become involved in a social prescribing program and evaluate the impact of social prescribing.
  • Explore the importance of building partnerships between healthcare providers, community organizations, and volunteers.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Making Our Communities Age-Friendly

PRESENTED BY: Briana Zur, PhD and Elizabeth Steggles, Co-Chair, OSOT's Retired Members' Team

  • Learn about age-friendly communities (AFCs).
  • Understand how AFCs align with occupational therapy.
  • Discuss ways to advocate for your city or municipality to become age-friendly.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Managing Behaviour Challenges Related to Altered Cognition

PRESENTED BY: Katie Harder (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.), Professional Practice Lead, Occupational Therapy, Grand River Hospital

  • Identify OT assessment and treatment strategies to consider using with this population, including when to consider wheelchair seating and protective devices.
  • Understand when to use standardized tools and which tools are most appropriate.
  • Learn about strategies for team collaboration.
  • Consider the occupational therapist's role in discharge planning and/or recommendations for next steps.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

OT and Psychotherapy: Exciting Times Ahead!

PRESENTED BY: Laura Stanley, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist, Theresa Bernard, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist and Anya Choulsky, OT Reg. (Ont.), Psychotherapist

  • An overview of the Increasing Access to Structured Psychotherapy Program at CAMH.
  • Practice resources related to assessment, treatment and supervision with clinicians.
  • Why occupational therapists are well suited for formal structured psychotherapy roles.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

OTs as Stewards of Home Care During COVID-19

PRESENTED BY: Carol MacDonald, Co-Founder & Head of Client Success, Gotcare and Chenny Xia, Co-Founder & Head of Technology & Design, Gotcare

  • Review the social and financial impacts of COVID-19 on home care recipients and people in their circle of care.
  • Unpack how consumer behaviour and technology has changed the initiation and coordination of home care services in response to COVID-19.
  • Share practical insights into how some occupational therapists have shifted their practice in order to set up their clients for success in a post-COVID world.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Reactive Balance Training for Fall Prevention

PRESENTED BY: Dr. Avril Mansfield (she/her), Senior Scientist, KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute

  • Understand the rationale for including reactive balance training in a fall prevention program.
  • Learn how to implement reactive balance training in practice.
  • Understand the roles that occupational therapists might have in delivering reactive balance training.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Residential Rehab for TBI: How It Works and Why It Works

PRESENTED BY: Colleen Boyce, Director, Bayshore NRIO, and Jessica Stengel, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • What a residential rehabilitation program is.
  • What assessments are done in this context and how it differs from other practice settings.
  • What intervention looks like in a residential setting.
  • The costs associated to support life care plans.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Spasticity Management After Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome

PRESENTED BY: Parvin Eftekhar, PhD., OT Reg. (Ont.), Affiliate Scientist, KITE | Toronto Rehab | University Health Network

  • Discuss the possible interventions and options to manage spasticity/contracture after upper motor neuron syndrome.
  • Splinting/casting/positioning.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Transitional Care Plan During the COVID Pandemic Tool

PRESENTED BY: Jillian McConnell, Knowledge Mobilization Lead, brainXchange, Katelynn Aelick, Project Coordinator, Behavioural Supports Ontario, Provincial Coordinating Office, North Bay Regional Health Centre, and Kim Schryburt-Brown, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Introduce the 'My Transitional Care Plan during the COVID-19 Pandemic (MTCP-C19)' tool.
  • Reflect on the unique challenges when supporting individuals to transition across care settings during the pandemic and ways these can take place more seamlessly in the future by fostering better communication and information sharing around critical information normally lost in transitions.
  • Identify the critical elements needed to support transitions into long-term care and retirement homes for older adults living with dementia, complex mental health, substance use, and other neurological conditions.
  • Discuss the important role that occupational therapists play in facilitating transitions and equip them with a new tool they may consider incorporating into their practice.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Understanding Ontario’s Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes

REPRESENTATIVES FROM: AdvantAge Ontario, the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA), and the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)

  • An overview of AdvantAge Ontario, the Ontario Long Term Care Association, and the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.
  • The role that occupational therapists play in the sector.
  • The current gaps, challenges, and opportunities at a systems and home and community level.
  • Opportunities for occupational therapists in the sector.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
to Enhance Client-Centred Care and Outcomes

PRESENTED BY: Anne W. Hunt, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.) Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, University of Toronto Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

  • Outcome measurement.
  • Client-centred practice.
  • Clinical practice.

Non-Member Price: 50.00
Member price: 25.00

Virtual Reality in Occupational Therapy

PRESENTED BY: Kelly Wendt, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Learn about the benefit of virtual reality for cognitive, physical, and psychological impairment.
  • Investigate specific products/games, their application, and funding considerations.
  • Explore case examples of use.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Virtual Visits for Seating and Mobility

PRESENTED BY: Linda Norton, M.Sc.CH, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

  • Identifies strategies to limit the number of in-person visits and the number of people at each visit.
  • Discusses the factors that influence whether a visit should be conducted virtually or in-person.
  • Explores the specific assessment parameters that can effectively be addressed virtually.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00

Vitamin N(ature): An OT's Prescription

PRESENTED BY: Anne Robillard, OT

  • Learn about health and well-being benefits of nature.
  • Understand social prescribing.
  • Introduce the PaRx: A Prescription for Nature process.

Non-Member Price: 25.00
Member price: 0.00


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