OSOT Provides Feedback on Child and Youth Mental Health Coordination in Ontario
In April 2022, the Lead Agency Consortium, School Mental Health Ontario, the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions (CYMHA), and Children’s Mental Health Ontario released “Right time, right care”. This document provides insights on how our schools and community-based organizations can facilitate a well-rounded and well-considered system to address children and youth mental health needs in Ontario. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education have partnered with the CYMHA in consultation on this document.
OSOT was identified as a key partner in providing insights. We sought input from our Sector Teams and submitted a written submission on November 11, 2022, outlining our feedback. We emphasize the need for collaboration and communication, early intervention, and decreasing wait lists.
Our response have been received by the CYMHA and will be analyzed for the development of recommendations.
View OSOT's response.