Assistive Devices Program has Resumed Processing Applications
Communication from the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) on April 29, 2020 confirms that in response to the evolving situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the ADP will temporarily accept applications for ADP-funded devices via fax and for ADP grants via email. Applications must not be mailed to the ADP office. Applications that were previously received by mail are being processed and must not be resubmitted. ADP-registered vendors can use ADP policies to make informed decision on eligibility of new claims and continue to provide assistive devices before receiving approval.
Implications for Occupational Therapists
ADP Authorizers will have received communication from the ADP. During the pandemic period, OSOT is wishing to monitor members' ability to complete seating and mobility assessments to support ADP applications. We invite member input sharing whether you are able to conduct in-person assessments as needed or otherwise - forward your input to The Society has engaged a working group to support planning and guidance for assessments during this pandemic period.