Introducing FSRA, Ontario’s New Financial Services Regulator
Effective June 8, 2019 the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) replaces the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). FSRA is an independent, self-funded regulator of the financial services industry, including Ontario's auto insurance system and wil be instrumental to the government's priorities including reforming auto insurance to increase access and affordability for drivers.
View June 7th News Release
Visit the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) website.
Implications for Occupational Therapists
Occupational therapists working in the Auto Insurance system will be familiar with the role and regulatory guidance of FSCO. FSRA assumes this role.
FSRA is actively reviewing all FSCO regulatory direction for the auto insurance system, including but not limited to forms, Guidelines and FAQs. Until FSRA issues new regulatory direction, all existing regulatory direction remains in place. OTs will note that links from the FSRA website to information on auto insurance continue to link to the FSCO website.
Occupational therapists may be interested to view FSRA’s first
electronic Newsletter and
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