OSOT Welcomes Seema Sindwani, new Manager Professional Practice
We're delighted to welcome Seema Sindwani to the position of Manager, Professional Practice effective November 15, 2021.
Seema is an occupational therapist who brings a wealth of clinical and not-for-profit experience and, in fact, great insight into the Society and its roles as she was a former Manager, Professional Practice when the position was part-time back in 2013 - 16. She brings a passionate energy to advance occupational therapy practice and support Ontario OTs.
Seema was most recently Manager, Quality Assurance Program at the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario providing unique insight into the regulatory requirements and measures of our profession. She has also formerly worked in the home and community sector as a clinician, Project Manager Clinical Best Practices and Manager Client Services at VHA Rehab Solutions. Seema aims to bring her past experience and insights into the needs of occupational therapists to her role which focuses on the development of the Society's professional development services, practice resources and supports and practice consultation services. We aim to support members to be the best OTs they can be and Seema is excited to contribute to our successes in supporting members!
Seema can be reached at ssindwani@osot.on.ca.