Early Planning for Dementia Care: How Important Is It?

Date and Time: April 3, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Webinar Description:

As the numbers of individuals who will experience dementia in their lifetime continue to grow, it remains an illness that many of us fear. This can lead to a lack of understanding, resulting in stigma and poor planning. People may be less likely to seek help and are often reluctant to have difficult conversations with family and friends.

While it is true there is no cure for dementia, there is so much we can learn about the disease that can help us and allow us to support others. Occupational therapists have an integral part to play!

By the end of this webinar, you will:

  • Have knowledge of recent advances, and challenges, in dementia research.
  • Understand how ageist attitudes can compromise good dementia care.
  • Embrace your role as advocates for individuals with dementia.

About Our Presenter:

Sylvia Davidson (she/her), OT Reg. (Ont.)
is a recently retired occupational therapist who worked with older adults for most of her clinical career. She has practiced in acute care, rehabilitation, long term care and the community. She continues teaching and her work has focused on a wide range of topics that are relevant for older adults. Sylvia has never stopped learning from her patients and their families, and she believes strongly in the benefit of sharing our stories, listening to and learning from each other.

Fees: (All fees are plus HST)  

If you are an OSOT member in a post-graduate program, contact us for event pricing.

Refund Policy

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NOTE: Login to your OSOT account to register. After clicking "Register Myself" your registration will not be complete until you click "Proceed to Checkout".

The presentation will be recorded and will be available to watch on OSOT's Archived Webinars page shortly after the event.

4/3/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Online registration not available.

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